6 Baby Shower Games That You'll Actually Want To Play
6 Mar 2017, 07:00:00
Baby shower games have a reputation for feeling like forced fun… But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Here’s our round-up of fun baby shower games that your guests will actually want to play!
#1 Guess the baby food
Let’s start with a fun baby shower game that’s none of the usual cringe-worthy forced fun – guess the baby food!
How to play
- Grab a selection of baby food from the supermarket, remove it from its normal jars and put it in bowls.
- Number each bowl.
- Give each player a piece of paper, a pencil and a spoon.
- Take it in turns to taste each baby food and write down what you think the flavour is.
- Whoever guesses the most correctly wins!
#2 Baby shower charades
For another fun baby shower game, how about baby shower charades? Simply think up some baby-related actions, write them down and put them in a bowl. The rest is up to the acting skills of the group!
#3 Baby shower bingo
Baby shower bingo can be fun – especially if you have some good prizes up for grabs! Ask each guest to donate a prize, download our free printable baby shower bingo cards and get playing!
#4 Guess the baby photo
Before the baby shower, each guest needs to send you a photo of themselves as a baby. Print them out, hold them up one at a time and ask everyone to guess who it is!
#5 Baby shower predictions
Everyone will have their predictions for the new baby – so why not write down your predictions on our free printable baby prediction cards for the mum-to-be to keep? And then see who’s right after the birth!
#6 Who knows mummy best game
Answer questions about the mum-to-be and let's see who's been paying attention! You can find the game here.
Ready to start planning your baby shower? Visit Party Delights for our full range of baby shower supplies and baby shower games or stay on our blog for even more baby shower ideas!